Monday, January 09, 2006

The "going's on" in Young Adult Ministry

Thanks to Susan, who observed that the blog hasn't been updated in a while.
So Susan - this post is for you!

December was a slower month for YAM; but not without it's moments. Jared Ainsworth-Bryson and Orin Johnson presented "Stand, Sit or Kneel?" at Theology on Tap. They helped answer some of those "What the heck is going on at Mass" questions and even challenged us to get involved and PARTICIPATE during Mass and to be "Eucharistic people" in the world. I think they did a great job (even though I tend to be biased!)

For our social night we experience "The Way of Lights" at the Shrine. We started by experiencing the wonderful "Way of Lights" buffet. Then saw the Lego exhibit, the Christmas tree display and the Children's Village. We didn't get to stay for the puppet show. We ended the night with a trolley ride throught the lights. Even for someone who worked at the Way of Lights and is at the Shrine a lot; I still love the lights and had fun with Dave, Anndrea, Ben and Heather.

We met for Mass and Brunch in December, too. We choose to "participate" in Mass at St Clare in O'Fallon and then met Aaron (who was wonderful enough to get us a table - I hope that doesn't jeopardize your eternal soul...) at Cracker Barrel. Lots of people came out that normally don't get a chance - like Dawn and Katy. (and Katy's new fiance - Congrats!) Also, Fr Jim and Cheryl Sommers got a chance to join us and find out what is happening with Young Adult Ministry.

January has started out well - Young Adult Ministry has started it's new calendar - you can see that on the website -

For our service project we (meaning me) worked on the Basement at the volunteer house at St Philip's in ESTL - I even found a puppy who had lost it's puppy way. (Do you know what movie that's from?) Luckily the owners claimed the puppy within hours! In February, we are going to make Valentine's for the troops - so bring your stamping, scrapbooking stuff and we'll have fun.

Last night's Theology on Tap was great. It was certainly a topic that can hit a nerve - I was so excited to see so many people dicussing. Thanks to Danielle who was a wonderful speaker! Sorry I couldn't hang out longer, but my husband wanted to finish painting our kitchen...he's so selfish!

Does anyone have any thoughts or want to share their memories of December or January? OR does anyone have any comments about last night's Theology on Tap?


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