Meghan has started compiling activites that are happening in some of our area parishes...
To add any information to this list - or to add any other activities - just email me and I'd be happy to put it on our blog!
What’s New in the Neighborhood?
(a weekly listing of events in your local parishes)
Hey Young Adults…
Your parishes miss seeing you!
Check out the events below to see what’s new at your parish!
St. Teresa
St. Teresa Choir presents a Journey toCalvary. This is a choral meditation of the Way of the Cross with living tableaux artfully portrayed by our
diocesan youth from Luke 18.
Come join us onFriday, April 7, 2006,
at7:30in the evening.
A food and drink reception will follow.
For more information, you may contact
Laurie Ann Frillman at
Never experienced the Stations of the Cross this way? St. Teresa’s offers a creative way to experience the
Passion of Jesus Christ!
St. Nicholas
“Angels Among Us” Grief Support Session
This is an opportunity to share with others who have experienced a loss and experience hope and comfort.
St. Nicholas Church Youth Room
Tuesday, April 11 (7:00-8:00pm)
Contact Barb Distler at 624.6077 for more information
Dealing with loss can be really difficult.
This is a good way to express grief in a
safe, supportive community.
St. Peter Cathedral
Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 P.M. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel followed by the Mother of Perpetual Help Novena prayers on Tuesday evenings during Lent.
Living Stations of the Cross will be held this
Fridayafternoon at 2:00 P.M. and
Friday evening at 7:00 P.M.
Some great ways to continue to grow in faith
during this Lenten season!
Corpus Christi
All You Can Eat Breakfast
Sunday, April 9 (8:00-11:00 am)
Bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes,
and much more!
$6 per adult
$2.50 for children ages 6-12
Free for children under 6
A great way to meet people and eat yummy food!
St. Clare
Home Build inEast St. Louis
Volunteers are needed for the Family Centers 14th
Home Build beginningSaturday, May 20, 2006.
Our purpose in constructing these homes is to
meet the housing needs of children and families in the
OlivetteParkNeighborhood inEast St. Louis.
We are dedicated to constructing quality, affordable
homes for low-income families.
If you can help either with construction or
by bringing food for workers,
contact Cheryl Sommer
to get an application.
Both experienced and inexperienced volunteers are welcome. You may volunteer to work any day in the
two-week period that begins on May 20.
Applications are due byApril 14, 2006.
Volunteering is a great way to build community
and make a difference!
Quote of the Week…
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
-Edith Wharton